Working closely with the client, I developed this hand-drawn logo mark based on her signature. It adds a human element and personal touch. Color was interesting conversation. Not only does purple have a religious significance, it is also one of my client's favorite colors. I then created a few different color palettes based off the purple. She chose this one and it works beautifully.
As I was designing the website, I was also teaching my client how to edit pages, re-type paragraphs, and change photos. Given the nature of her business, I wanted to enable her to change photos when she got back from a missions trip or add an upcoming event. Unfortunately, most of the photos are a bit grainy. So, I showed her how to change her camera to a higher quality setting for her next trip. These are just a few of the pages I designed. You can view the entire website here:
Of course we had to round out this project with some business cards. How else will people contact her? This was probably the easiest of the entire project. Blowing up the logo mark to make an impression, catch the eye with the bright color and glossy paper, then layout the type on the back. A few weeks after she got them in the mail, she called me to tell me how many compliments she received on her business cards. I love when a client is happy!